BSBI invites Emirates for an on-campus company presentation


On Monday 13 May, the Berlin School of Business and Innovation Careers Service team organised the ‘Emirates – Company Presentation’ for students and recent graduates at the Alte Post Berlin campus.

Jessica Amade, Recruitment Advisor for Cabin Crew at Emirates, delivered a presentation to 62 participants on the recruitment process for their full-time cabin crew positions. This was a collaborative event between BSBI and the University of Europe for Applied Sciences, with participants from both schools in attendance.

Attendees learnt about the benefits and career path opportunities as well as legal and cultural information on Dubai and what it is like to work and live in the UAE. The presentation included application tips and a Q&A session.

Emirates will be returning for the GGG Summer Career Fair on 27 June hosted at the UE campus to continue promoting their excellent opportunities for final-year students and graduates.

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