Scientific Journals- BG

Scientific Journals

The Scientific Journal publishes original research papers and review articles, inviting external collaborators to contribute with content about applied business, marketing, social media, international relations and more.

Message from the Provost and Chief Academic Officer

It is with great pleasure that we welcome you to our Scientific Journals webpage.

The Berlin School of Business and Innovation and its academic community are proud to present our 3 scientific journals, as part of our growing ambition to establish BSBI as a respected institution that contributes to research.

Our journals have a global orientation and they are structured and organised using international standards, contributing in the best way to the progress of research and science. They will add to the progress of scientific knowledge and will open a new chapter in the history of the Berlin School of Business and Innovation. The journals will complement our academic work and enhance our research opportunities.

The Scientific Journal of Business and Innovation

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Berlin School of Business and Innovation is also proud to announce that the National ISSN Centre for Germany has recently issued the official International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) for BSBI Scientific Journal of Business & Innovation.

The ISSN is valid worldwide, with each individual eight-digit number assigned indefinitely to the publication.

Professor Kyriakos Kouveliotis, Provost and Chief Academic Officer comments, “We are very proud to have received this recognition, as BSBI journal is now officially listed and classified in Germany and around the world”. 

The Scientific Journal of Human and Machine Learning

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Similar to the first scientific journal, HML aims to publish original research and scientific papers as well as review articles of researchers, academics and students across the globe. The journal mainly covers articles and papers from data science, information technology, machine learning, artificial intelligence, cognitive science, psychology, philosophy, business science, business intelligence/analytics, information management, innovation management and knowledge management.

The journal aims to meet the highest expectations of international readers and provides a strong academic channel for active and productive discourse.

The Scientific Journal of Creative and Digital Arts

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BSBI Faculty of Creative Industries is proud to announce that “The BSBI Journal of Creative and Digital Arts” will soon be open for submissions.

Like its academic counterparts, this journal aims to meet the highest expectations of its international readership, serve as an inspiration and invite intensive discourse. It will include publications from the fields of arts, film, motion design, visual effects, UI & UX design, interaction design, illustration, virtual and mixed reality, metaverse, NFT, mental health, creative leadership and many more.

Our scientific journals publish original research papers and review articles. Researchers, academics and students from any country are invited to publish pure or applied scientific work in the following domains: 

  • Business administration
  • Marketing
  • Management
  • Leadership and strategy
  • Global economics
  • Social media
  • International relations
  • Accounting and finance
  • Information technology
  • Digitisation
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Creative and digital arts
  • UI & UX design
  • metaverse
  • NFTs
  • Motion Design
  • irtual and Mixed Reality
  • Creative Leadership

Scientific Journals

The Berlin School of Business and Innovation and its academic community are proud to present our 2 published issues of the Scientific Journal of Business & Innovation.

Our scientific journals publish original research papers and review articles. Researchers, academics and students from any country are invited to publish pure or applied scientific work in a range of domains.

The Scientific Journal of Business and Innovation

The Scientific Journal of Human and Machine Learning

The Scientific Journal of Human and Machine Learning

The Scientific Journal of Creative and
Digital Arts