BSBI hosts ‘N26 presentation and networking session’ for students

On Thursday 20 April, BSBI hosted the digital banking pioneer and one of the city’s start-up success stories – N26.

Founded in 2015 by Valentin Stalf and Maximilian Tayenthal, N26 launched Europe’s first mobile bank account back in 2015. Today, the bank has more than 8 million customers in 24 markets and a team of 1500 employees of more than 80 nationalities working across 10 different countries.

Four N26 representatives delivered some insightful presentations and answered multiple questions from the audience. BSBI recorded excellent attendance with 75 students and many academic colleagues filling up the Alte Post auditorium to the brim. After the event, attendees engaged in a fruitful networking session over food and drinks. Many business cards were shared and LinkedIn connections were made during the networking session.

Michael Ferenc, Careers Service Manager at BSBI and co-organiser of the event, said: “This is the kind of a modern and forward-thinking employer that we bring to our campus to allow BSBI students to see traditional roles in the banking sector in a different light. It also offers them up-to-date knowledge of the industry and the necessary business connections to progress with their prospective internship or student job applications.”

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