BSBI students visit the Mexican Embassy

On Tuesday 1 November, Berlin School of Business and Innovation’s postgraduate tourism students visited the Embassy of Mexico. 

The event at the embassy was hosted by Ambassador Francisco Quiroga. The session covered the theme, ‘An insight into the tourism offer of Mexico related to the Day of the Dead celebration’.

The presentation provided references to the meaning of the ‘Day of the Dead’, Mexico’s overall tourism policy as well as an exhibition of the country’s cultural activity called ‘Alter de Muertos’.

The activities provided the BSBI tourism students with a first-hand look at the cultural affairs of Mexico and how events at a government facility are being managed and executed. The exposure also served as a springboard to the follow-up discussion which was held on campus where students understood the practice of ‘Strategic Approach in Marketing Planning for Hospitality’. This talk was hosted by Dr Maryam Mansuri, Head of Postgraduate Studies, and Dr Elif Vozar, Lecturer at BSBI.

Dr Maryam Mansuri said: “We had one of the most interesting experiences going to the Mexican Embassy. We got to learn about their amazing culture, food, language, how they value death and how they believe it’s the part of the journey of this life.

“We planned this great event for tourism and hospitality students in order to familiarise students with the practical side of their studies and give them an unforgettable experience visiting the embassy and be able to talk to, ask and share their ideas with Florentino Cabrera, Director of the tourism section of the embassy.”

Dr Mahmoud Manafi, Lecturer at BSBI, said: “By doing presentations, students learn how to speak in front of a group, a broadly applicable professional skill. They learn how to prepare material for public presentations and practice (especially with feedback) improves their speaking skills. At BSBI, we try to prepare our students to have good skills in their future careers.’’             



A Cultural Experience: BSBI Students visits the Mexican Embassy
A Cultural Experience: BSBI Students visits the Mexican Embassy

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