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Mostafa has a master’s degree in Computer Engineering, working as a data science researcher in Institute for Research In Fundamental Science (IPM – Tehran) from 2019 until 2021. His research interests lie in the area of computer vision and data analysis.

Mostafa creates real-world applications from scientific researches, and he has collaborated with several industrial projects like traffic cameras, deepfake video generation application, fingerprint detection systems, and social media data management algorithms alongside his academic experiences.

Areas of expertise

  • AI
  • Data science
  • Deep learning
  • Computer Vision
  • Database management

Awards and Honours

  • Ranked First out of students of Software Engineering major, University of Islamic Azad, 2019
  • Awarded full scholarship for the graduate program in Computer Engineering, University of Semnan, 2011-2016


  • G2D: Generate to Detect Image/Video Irregularities Accepted toWACV2021-2020. (Unsupervised Anomaly Detection in Video)
  • Adversarial Image Quality Enhancement (AIQE) from Unpaired Samples (under review)

Research Interests

  • Deep Learning and Machine Learning
  • Computer Vision and Anomaly Detection
  • Generative Models & Deepfake Video/Audio
  • Image Quality Enhancement
  • Model Backdoor Attack/Defence