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Dr. Muniruddeen Lallmahamood lectured at Honoris United Universities & Local Universities in Mauritius as well as worked as an independent consultant with the United Nation Development Programme. Prior to the above appointment, he held various key positions such as Chief Executive Officer of an Islamic Bank, the Head/Consultant in Islamic Finance at the Central Bank of Mauritius and Regional Representative of Bait Al-Mashura Finance Consultations (Qatar).

Muniruddeen, trained by former McKinsey & Company Director as a management consultant, has a strong entrepreneurial and business background in the international business arena where he has had the opportunity to engage and work in various sectors and at different levels of management in Mauritius, Kuwait, Malaysia, Qatar, United Kingdom, France, Germany and Djibouti.

He holds a Doctorate in Business Administration from the University of South Australia and a master’s degree in E-commerce from the Central Queensland University. Muniruddeen completed his secondary school (Science Scheme in Arabic) in Kuwait and later joined the accounting program at the International Islamic University, Malaysia due to the invasion of Kuwait. He also holds the Professional Certificate of Certified Sharia Advisor and Auditor from the Accounting & Auditing Organisation for Islamic Financial Institution (AAOIFI).

Muniruddeen´s core expertise includes business strategies, Islamic banking & finance, microfinance and digital finance and taught several modules at Paris-Dauphine University and the University of Strasbourg (2013 – 2018), Open University Mauritius (2019-2022) on part time basis and has published a number of peer review articles & participated in a number of international conferences.

Areas of expertise

  • Strategic Management
  • Corporate Governance 
  • Digital Finance 
  • Islamic Banking & Finance 
  • Islamic Microfinance

Conferences, Talks, and Speaking Engagements

Dr. Muniruddeen Lallmahamood has attended a number of conferences/forums as a speaker & participant.

Awards and Honors

  • Gold Medal at College Al Asmai, Kuwait (1986/1987)
  • 500 Islamica (2017 & 2018)

Research interests

  • Islamic Finance & Banking
  • Islamic Microfinance
  • Digital finance & Virtual assets
  • Strategic Management & Corporate Governance


  • Islamic Finance Markets 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 published by Law Business Research Ltd, United Kingdom
  • Privacy over the Internet; a study of general privacy concerns and preferences among private individuals, the Journal of Malaysian Institute of Management, Malaysia, JAN 2008
  • An examination of individual’s perceived security and privacy of the Internet in Malaysia and their influence of this on their intention to use e-commerce; using an extended version of technology acceptance model, Journal of Internet Banking & E-Commerce, Dec issue 2007
  • Islāmic Finance in Mauritius: Prospects and Challenges, Journal of Islamic Business and Management Vol.4 No.1, 2014, Pakistan.
  • La gestion du ribâ (intérêt) en l’absence de banques islamiques dans une communauté musulmane minoritaire: une étude exploratoire des pratiques des musulmans à Maurice, N°5, Les Cahiers de la Finance Islamique, University of Strasbourg, 2013