Student Review | Sandra Akunna Ejiorfor from Nigeria

Sandra Akunna Ejiorfor is one of BSBI’s postgraduate students and comes from Nigeria. Hear her speaking about her experiences of studying at BSBI and why she chose our MA in International Tourism, Hospitality and Events Management programme.
MA in International Tourism, Hospitality and Events Management programme.
This master’s programme is offered by Universita Telematica Internazionale UNINETTUNO. Completing this course will earn you an Italian master’s degree with 90 European University Credits (ECTS).
This master’s degree is tailored to develop management and leadership competencies especially for the tourism, hospitality and event sectors. You will cover essential concepts of management, including business strategy, operations management, project management and cross-cultural leadership, as well as acquiring up-to-date skills to boost your career.
The modules of this programme are offered via the blended learning method. Students will attend the online modules via the UNINETTUNO university platform and face-to-face at the BSBI campus in Berlin.
Why did you choose to study International Tourism in BSBI?
I love to travel first of all, it’s actually a part of me. I really like to explore and BSBI seems to be one of the institutions that offered tourism, events management and hospitality as one course so that was one of the major reasons that made me choose BSBI – to study that course.
Best qualities of BSBI?
I like the fact that my lecturers were very approachable, they were available when you needed them. The instant and very swift response to emails and assignments and corrections is something that I really, really admire with the lecturers and tutors here at BSBI.
How is your experience in campus?
I happened to be the first female student council president in school. It was an amazing opportunity because it helped me to meet people and it was a very multicultural setting, of course. I was able to talk to a lot of people from home and abroad and it was very good. I had amazing relationship with my friends in class so usually I used to say BSBI was a home away from home, kind of, but it was actually good and it is good.
What are your future plans and how could BSBI help you achieve that?
First off, BSBI has actually given me a good degree, you know in my master’s. Now I just have to be able to use everything that I have learned to be able to have find my niche, hone my skills and broaden my horizons. So, it’s actually a good one for me, this steppingstone, regardless of the current situation we are in right now. I think I have been given the tools to be able to function in the outside world.
How was the experience living in Berlin?
BSBI is multicultural, Berlin is very multicultural. You could find English-speaking people, you can find different languages, you can find different food, different things, different parties. Yeah, regardless of the situation again, Berlin is actually fun. The cost of living compared to other cities, other major cities, is quite affordable for students. Accessible libraries, you have libraries for students to access and also yeah Berlin is good.
Advice for future students of BSBI?
Why not BSBI? You know, it’s BSBI. The quality of education, the school’s location, you know, you have access to very easy transport. We even have the S-Bahns and the U-Bahns near school and quality of education, check, friends, check, multicultural setting, check. Really, why not BSBI?
Learn more about our MA in International Tourism, Hospitality and Event Management here.