Financial and Business Modelling

This course will help you grow your skills so that you can make advanced level decisions that enhance the value of your organisation. This will assist you with eventually reaching a top-level management position.

“90% of companies in the UK fail due to inappropriate forecasting” — Office for National Statistics

“82% middle-level skill requirement is proficient using productivity software” — The Digital Edge

“80% of CFOs have enhanced their firm’s value using finance work” — McKinsey Special Collection

Why study this course?

The financial and business modelling program facilitates your growth to top-level management by inculcating skills that help you make advanced level decisions that enhance value of the organisation.

The programme is designed to equip you with analytical mind in quickly scanning the business news and environment, assess their impact on businesses top and bottom line, also known as revenue and profitability and to also strategize business decisions. The modelling techniques include employment of spreadsheet modelling productively for applications like financing, investment, and valuation decisions. It also equips you with forecasting techniques in order to enhance your visionary insight. The focus will be both of managing financial data as well as making meaningful sense of the data for informed business decisions.

Financial and business acumen is required in all departments, from marketing to operations, purchase, and production, etc. The program is helpful for learners of all background who aspire to manage businesses as employees or entrepreneurs in business start-up. In fact, financial and business modelling acumen helps in your development in organisational hierarchy, because it teaches you to use free software to your strengths and back business decision with data.

Who should take this course?

This course is developed for professionals aspiring to manage an organisation and make high level business decisions backed by data. In specific, the following will benefit most from the course:

  • Middle to top level business managers responsible to enhance the value of the firm.
  • Entrepreneurs who wish to plan future business performance to decide upon the funding and corresponding shareholding percentage.
  • Investors who aim to invest based upon future forecasting of financial data.

Please note that this course is only available to Postgraduate students and members of the staff at BSBI. If you are a current student or staff, please email

Coming soon!



  • Relevance of Financial Modelling: Justify the need for business and financial modelling in business environment.
  • Building a Model Present: Input and output using different Modelling methods.
  • Valuing a Company Prepare: Pro-forma financial statements based on assumptions drawn from past financial statements for a chosen company and value the company using discounted cash flow method of valuation.
  • Planning your portfolio: Plan your investments using mean-variance analysis of evaluating portfolio risk and return by preparing a portfolio of two stocks.
  • Scenario Analysis: Present the output of a given model in worst case and best-case scenario by changing the input variables.

How will you learn?

  • Live learning from expert faculty
  • Learning from an industry expert
  • Committed support team
  • High-tech learning platform
  • 1 day dedicated synchronous classes
  • 3 weeks asynchronous reflective learning
  • Forum discussion for peer-to-peer learning
  • Integrated assignments
  • Breakout rooms
  • Questions and answers
  • Writing skills

What skills will you gain?

 After the end of this programme, you will be able to:

  • Evaluate corporate development opportunities and plan business requirements.
  • Predict financial risks and strategise minimising them in time.
  • Assess prospective acquisitions opportunities and employ useful quantitative tools to estimate the deal value.
  • Analyse quality of earnings and investments to model them for future in various circumstances.
  • Strategise business actions which are backed by data and enhance the value of the organisation.
Download factsheet

Lecturer profile

Professor Dr. Milos Petkovic is an esteemed university professor specialising in finance, boasting over eight years of robust academic experience coupled with five years of consulting expertise. Currently serving as a Lecturer at the Berlin School of Business and Innovation and holding the position of Adjunct Professor at the College of Business, Concordia University of Chicago, since 2020, Professor Petkovic has also held the distinguished roles of Visiting Professor at the renowned Grenoble Ecole de Management in France and Researcher at the Sorbonne Business School, University of Paris 1 Sorbonne Pantheon. He earned his doctoral degree in finance and accounting from the University Sophia Antipolis in Nice, France, complemented by dual master’s degrees in International Business and Macroeconomics, and a bachelor’s degree in Accounting, Audit, and Financial Management. With a tenure exceeding five years, Professor Petkovic has leveraged his expertise as an External Auditor and Consultant across various industries and company scales.