Professional Networking Profiles – Workshop and Photoshoot
Event Details
Host: Michael Ferenc, Careers Service Manager
Venue: Room 305 and 407, Alte Post, Berlin Campus
Time: 13:00 Europe/Berlin
Date: 12 October 2023
In the globally connected world of recruiters and candidates in the digital age we live in, it is impossible to show oneself to a potential employer successfully without having a professional online networking profile.
Platforms such as LinkedIn, XING, Behance, Dribbble or GitHub have millions of registered accounts each. Whether you study for a business degree, an IT one or you are a student on a creative course, you cannot really afford not to have a profile on one of these portals.
This practical workshop will show you how to set up a new account or enhance an existing one on LinkedIn, XING or Behance.
Following our experience with hundreds of accounts which have led their owners to internship or graduate position offers, we will offer you ten quick tips & tricks on how to make your LinkedIn page a success.
Excellent profiles from other BSBI students and graduates, as examples to follow, will also be showcased.
Due to the restricted photo-taking schedule on Friday, places on this workshop are strictly limited and unregistered entry will not be allowed.
An integral part of every good LinkedIn presence is a professional profile picture. As part of the workshop, you will have the opportunity to have a personal image taken by BSBI Photo and Video Production team on the following day (13 October) and use it on your newly revamped LinkedIn.
An individual photoshoot lasts only about 15 minutes, and you will be able to choose your slot for the 13th of October. Only students who attend the workshop part on the 12th will be allowed to have their photo taken the following day.

Reminder: Please be guided by the Code of Conduct for BSBI Events