Careers Event | Nailed It! – Interview Preparation Workshop

Event Details

Host: Michael Ferenc, Careers Service Manager, BSBI

Venue: Room 207, Alte Post, Berlin Campus

Time: 16:15 Europe/Berlin

Date: 30 November 2023

Register here

This practical workshop will cover the following aspects of job/placement interviews in Germany which will help you excel at both in-person and online interviews.

  • winning at in-person job/placement interviews – rules, recruitment process overview, tips
  • pre-interview stage – preparation steps
  • interview stage guidance – arrival, body language, dress code, documents, typical questions you might expect, your questions for interviewers
  • post-interview stage – steps usually taken afterwards
  • online interview guidance
  • Germany-specific cultural aspects of work interviews

The workshop will last about 45 minutes with 15 minutes for questions and answer from the audience.

This is a registration-only event delivered in a hybrid mode. Students from Barcelona, Hamburg and Paris campuses can join online. 

Speaker: Michael Ferenc, Careers Service Manager, BSBI

Michael is the Careers Service Manager at BSBI. Between 2009 and 2014, he served as International Placements Manager at Coventry University in the UK placing over 500 students and graduates with different companies across Europe. He was a founding member of the international unit – International Experience and Mobility Service (now Centre for Global Engagement) — which received the EAIE Institutional Award for Innovation in Internationalization in 2014. He worked in Germany on the HORIZON programme at HTW Berlin’s Faculty of Design and Culture where he was, among others, taking care of international students looking for work placements in Berlin. Following this, he served at uni-assist e.V. as a Universities Coordinator where he negotiated and implemented entry criteria for foreign applicants to German universities. He has been at the helm of Careers Service at BSBI since June 2022 and helped over 100 candidates into employment so far. 

Nailed It! - Interview preparation workshop
Nailed It! – Interview Preparation Workshop

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