Corporate × Influencer — Mastering the challenges of social media

Event Details
Time: 19:00 Europe/Berlin
Date: 27 April 2022
After the success of Café Scientifique X Café Artistique and latest Café Scientifique sessions, we are delighted to announce the next Café Artistique session!
In this Café Artistique session, we will meet Mr. Oliver Kühne, the social media specialist of Hapag-Lloyd – the world market leader in container shipping and logistics, and the influencer and Youtuber, Ms. Mi Alves from Brazil. In a unique, audience-interactive discussion, we will talk about social media strategies for corporates and influencers, the challenges, overlaps, and how to maximise the potential of social media channels.
Topic: Corporate × Influencer — Mastering the challenges of social media
Date: 27th April 2022
Time: 7pm CET
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