BSBI Management Society | Debate Competition
Event Details
Host: Dr. Palanivel Rathinasabapathi Velmurugan, Lecturer.
Venue: Auditorium, Alte Post Berlin
Time: 13:00 Europe/Berlin
Date: 14 November 2023
Debating is more than just speaking; it’s about the art of convincing, effective use of vocabulary, and presenting your viewpoints with confidence. This soft skill will help the students/professionals while interacting with their peers and boost your career to the next level.
To hone this crucial skill of eloquence and critical thinking, the BSBI Management Society is organising a “Debate Competition.”
The competition will be moderated by Dr. Palanivel Rathinasabapathi Velmurugan, Lecturer.
- Any BSBI student is eligible to participate
- The topic of the discussion will be announced before the event begins
- Topics related to management in the contemporary world
- Only English should be used as the medium of communication
- Registration is mandatory
Whether you are a seasoned orator or a budding debater, participate in this competition to unleash your oratory skills and challenge yourself to think on your feet.
Students who wish to participate in person are required to fill out the registration form.
Important: Kindly note that spaces for this event are limited, so be sure to secure your spot promptly.
Reminder: Please be guided by the Code of Conduct for BSBI Events