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Dr. Milos Petkovic is an University professor in management sciences. He holds the doctorate degree from the University Sophia Antipolis Nice, France. He obtained the bachelor degree from Accounting, Audit and Financial Management, and master degrees from Macroeconomics and International business. He was a former Researcher at the University Paris 1 Pantheon Sorbonne, and Visiting professor from Grenoble Ecole de Management, and Wroclaw University of Economics.
Besides extensive academic and scientific experience, prof. Dr. Milos Petkovic worked as an Auditor and Consultant. Prof. Dr. Milos Petkovic is a member of Association of French Accountants since January, 2019.
Areas of expertise
- Strategic Management
- Intellectual capital
- Intangible assets
- Knowledge management
Conferences, Talks, and Speaking Engagements
- Pap, E., Petkovic, M., & Blagojevic, A. (2019) “Importance of Intellectual Capital Components in Management Decision-Making Processes of French Companies: An Empirical Study Using Shapley’s Value and Lambda Fuzzy Measurement Method”, 6th International Scientific Conference (FINIZ), Singidunum University, Belgrade, Serbia, 06 December, 2019.
- Krstic, B., Petkovic, M., & Radjenovic, T. (2019) “The Potential Solutions of Agency Problems in Firms: The Challenges of Business Management”, 50th International Scientific Conference – Contemporary Economic Trends: Technological Development and Challenges of Competitiveness, Faculty of Economics, University of Nis, 18 October, 2019.
- Albertini, E., Berger-Remy, F., Lefrancq, S., Morgana, L., Petkovic, M., & Walliser, E. (2019) “An exploratory survey of digital capital as envisioned by CEOs”, 19th conference European Academy of Management (EURAM), Lisbon, Portugal, Jun, 2019.
- Krstic, B., Petkovic, M., & Radivojevic, V. (2019) “The Concept of Intellectual Capital in Non-Profit Organizations”, 10th DQM International Conference on Life Cycle Engineering and Management, Prijevor, Serbia, 27-28 June, 2019.
- Albertini, E., Berger-Remy, F., Lefrancq, S., Morgana, L., Petkovic, M., & Walliser, E. (2019) “Revisiter le capital immatériel à l’ère post-industrielle”, 40ème congrès de l’Association Francophone de Comptabilité (AFC), Paris, France, May, 2019.Albertini, E., Berger-Remy, F., Lefrancq, S., Morgana, L., Petkovic, M., & Walliser, E. (2019) “A new typology of intellectual capital in the post-industrial era”, 14ème Journées d’Histoire, du Management et des Organisations (JHMO), Nice, France, March, 2019.
- Albertini, E., Berger-Remy, F., Lefrancq, S., Morgana, L., Petkovic, M., & Walliser, E. (2018) ”A fresh look at intellectual capital in the post-industrial era” , 8ème états généraux de la recherche ANC (Autorité des Normes Comptables)” Paris, France, 27 November, 2018.
- Petkovic, M. (2017), “Intangible assets, intellectual capital and Balanced Scorecard” for the 13th Interdisciplinary Workshop on Intangibles and Intellectual capital, Ancona, Italy, 02 September, 2017.
- Petkovic, M. (2017), “Intangible Assets and Performance Measurement Systems”, Doctorale Seminaire IAE France, Paris, France, 14 March, 2017.
Awards and Honors
Petkovic was a scholarship holder of the Campus France, French government for Master and PhD studies in management sciences for years 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018 & a scholarship holder from the “Funds for Young Talents” of the Republic of Serbia for the PhD studies for years of 2016, 2017, 2018.
Research Interests
- Intellectual capital
- Investments in Intellectual capital
- Knowledge Management
- Intangible Assets
- Strategic Management
- Managerial Finance.
Petkovic, M., Knezevic, G., and Pavlovic, V. (2020) “Where did the competitive advantage of French wineries come from? Insight in the effect of intellectual capital structure on financial performances.” Custos e Agronegocio. 16(3):462-480.
Radivojevic, V., Krstic, B., Krstic, M., & Petkovic, M. (2019) “Benchmarking Agricultural and Other Environmental Performances of Central and East European Countries”, Economics of Agriculture, DOI: 10.5937/ekoPolj1902471R.
Petkovic, M. & Krstic, B. (2019) “Empirical Calculation of Asset Calculation of Asset Value Coming from Research and Development Expenses: Case of French Research, Development, Testing Services Companies”, International Monography.
Petkovic, M., Krstic, B., & Radjenovic, T. (2019) “Accounting-based Valuation Methods of Intangible Assets: Theoretical Overview”, Facta Universitatis.