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Dr. Konstantina Ragazou is a graduate of the Department of Economics of the University of Thessaly, Volos, Greece (2012) and holds two Master’s Degrees: (i) “European Studies in Regional Development” of the Department of Planning and Regional Development of the University of Thessaly, Greece (2015) and (ii) ” Banking, Accounting, Finance” of Hellenic Open University and the University of Nicosia (2018), Cyprus. In 2020, she completed her PhD Thesis entitled “Business Strategies for the Food Industry in the Context of the Economic Crisis: The Case of Central Greece” for which, she received an Excellence Scholarship from the State Scholarship Foundation. In March 2023, she completed her Postdoctoral thesis with title “Agile Management and Auditing Strategies in a Crisis Period: The Analysis of the Food Sector in Greece”, at the Department of Accounting and Finance of University of Thessaly, Greece.

She is a member of the Operational Research and Administrative Control Laboratory (ORAMA Lab) of the Department of Business Administration and Tourism of the Hellenic Mediterranean University and the Demographic and Social Analysis Laboratory (LADS) of the Department of Planning and Regional Development of the University of Thessaly. Her teaching experience, at undergraduate and postgraduate level, includes teaching at institutions such as University of Western Macedonia, Hellenic Mediterranean University, University of Macedonia, University of Thessaly, Ionian University, University of Patras, University of Neapolis Pafos and much more.

Her teaching and research experience (2018-present) focuses on the fields of Accounting, Business Administration and Finance. From 2013 until today, he has professional experience in positions of responsibility in the private sector, while since 2019 she has been working as a business and strategic planning consultant, in a multinational company based in London. She has more than fifty publications in scientific journals and volumes of conference proceedings and has participated in international conferences with her presentations.

Areas of expertise

  • Agile Management
  • Sustainable Accounting
  • ESG
  • Financial Analysis
  • Financial Modelling

Research interests

  • Agile management
  • ESG
  • Financial analysis
  • Sustainable accounting


Indicative publications in Scientific Journals

  • Ragazou, K., (2020) The Ecological Footprint of Nutrition. International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development. 3(3): 1380-1382. http://www.ijsred.com/may-june-2020.html
  • Ragazou, K., (2021) The Role of Management Accounting in the Decision- Making Process of SMEs in UK. International Journal of Engineering Technology Research and Management. 5(2).http://www.ijetrm.com/issues/files/Jan-2021-29-1611914802-f1.pdf
  • Ragazou, K., (2021) Management Accounting Tools and Techniques: The Activity Based Costing (ABC).International Journal of Engineering Technology Research and Management. 5(3). http://www.ijetrm.com/issues/files/Feb-2021-27-1614407213-m1.pdf
  • Ragazou, K., (2021) Home Based Telecommuting in the Context of COVID-19: the challenges of Greek teleworkers. Journal of Business and Social Science Review. 2(1):119-125.
  • Anastasiou E., Ragazou K. (2021) Student Mobility Flows in a Greek Regional University: Spatial Interactions and Social Dynamics as Leaders for the Place of Study Decision Making. Papers in Applied Geographyhttps://doi.org/10.1080/23754931.2021.1901238 (Scimago list: Q2)
  • Anastasiou E., Manika S., Ragazou K., Katsios I. (2021) Territorial and Human Geography Challenges: How Can Smart Villages Support Rural Development and Population Inclusion?, Social Sciences, 10(6): 193. https://doi.org/10.3390/socsci10060193 (Scimago list: Q2)
  • Ragazou K., (2021) Business Strategies in HR in Times of Crisis: The Case of Agri-Food Industry in Central Greece. Businesses. 1(1):36-50. https://doi.org/10.3390/businesses1010004
  • Ragazou Κ., Anastasiou Ε., Theodossiou G., Koutsogeorgos K. (2021) Democratic administration and commitment of members of agricultural cooperatives: a case study from a prefecture in Greece.Businesses, 1(2):115-126. https://doi.org/10.3390/businesses1020009
  • Karkanis D., Anastasiou E., Ragazou K., Duquenne M-N.(2021) Asylum Flows in the EU context: Lessons from Gravity. Migration Letters, 19(2): 761-776. https://doi.org/10.33182/ml.v19i2.1605 (Scimago list: Q2)
  • Anastasiou E., Ragazou K., Duquenne M-N. (2022). Vulnerability gradients and spatial patterns in the Greek rural space: detecting requiring Smart Services. International Journal of Advanced Research (IJAR), 10(03): 1095-1106
  • Alhebri A., Radwan A., Garefalakis A., Passas I., Ragazou K. (2022) Impact Of ELMS-Based CL On The Quality Of Accounting Education. Webology, 19(2), 4833-4854. https://www.webology.org/abstract.php?id=1909# (Scimago list: Q3)
  • Ragazou K., Garefalakis A., Zafeiriou E., Passas I., (2022) Agriculture 5.0: a new strategic management mode for a cut cost and an energy efficient agriculture sector. New Challenges in Energy and Environmental Economics [special issue], Energies, 15(9), 3113. https://doi.org/10.3390/en15093113 (Scimago list: Q1)
  • Ragazou K., Passas I., Garefalakis A., Dimou I. (2022) Investigating the research trends on strategic ambidexterity, agility and open innovation in SMEs: perceptions from biblio-metric analysis. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 8(3), 118; https://doi.org/10.3390/joitmc8030118 (Scimago list: Q1)
  • Ragazou K., Passas I., Garefalakis A., Zafeiriou E. (2022) The Determinants of the Environmental Performance of EU Financial Institutions: An Empirical Study with a GLM Model. New Challenges in Energy and Environmental Economics [special issue], Energies, 15(15), 5325, https://doi.org/10.3390/en15155325 (Scimago list: Q1)
  • Ragazou K., Passas I., Sklavos G. (2022) Investigating the strategic role of Digital Transformation path of SMEs in the era of Covid-19: a Bibliometric analysis using R. Digital Transformation in SMEs: A Response to Crisis? [special issue], Sustainability, 14(18), 11295, https://doi.org/10.3390/su141811295 (Scimago list: Q1)
  • Passas I., Ragazou K., Zafeiriou E.,Garefalakis A., Zopounidis C. (2022) ESG Controversies: A quantitative and qualitative analysis for the socio-political determinants in EU firms. Quality Management and Sustainability [special issue], Sustainability, 14 (19),12879https://doi.org/10.3390/su141912879 (Scimago list: Q1)
  • Zisoudis N., Zafeiriou E. Garefalakis A., Passas I., Ragazou K., (2022) The role of well-established food retail firm in Greek economy in the era of economic crisis. Journal of Governance and Regulation,11(4), 215–223, https://doi.org/10.22495/jgrv11i4siart2 (Scimago list: Q4)
  • Ragazou K., Passas I., Garefalakis A., Kourgiantakis M., Xanthos G. (2022) Youth’s Entrepreneurial Intention: A Multinomial Logistic Regression Analysis of the Factors Influencing Greek HEI Students in Time of Crisis. Sustainable Higher Education for Academic Entrepreneurship [special issue], 14(20), 13164, Sustainability, https://doi.org/10.3390/su142013164 (Scimago list: Q1)
  • Ragazou K., Passas I., Garefalakis A., It Is Time for Anti-Bribery: Financial Institutions Set the New Strategic “Roadmap” to Mitigate Illicit Practices and Corruption in the Market. On the Corporate Corruption of Science as a Profitable Business Strategy: An Institutionalist Approach [special issue], 12(4), 166; Administrative sciences, https://doi.org/10.3390/admsci12040166 (Scimago list: Q2)
  • Stavrakaki G., Ragazou K., Moustakis V., Garefalakis A. (2023) Empirical findings from the application of human resource evaluation methods in the Greek Public Administration. Theoretical Economics Lettershttps://doi.org/10.4236/tel.2022.126097 (ABS list: 1*)
  • Ragazou K., Passas I., Garefalakis A., Zopounidis C. (2022) Business Intelligence Model empowering SMEs to make better decisions and enhance their competitive advantage. 1(2); Discover Analytics, https://doi.org/10.1007/s44257-022-00002-3
  • Ragazou K., Passas I., Garefalakis A., Galariotis A., Zopounidis C. (2023) Big Data Analytics applications in information management driving operational efficiencies and decision-making: mapping the field of knowledge with bibliometric analysis using R. 7(1), 13, Big Data and Cognitive Computing, https://doi.org/10.3390/bdcc7010013 (Scimago list: Q1)
  • Garefalakis A., Ragazou K., Passas I., Galariotis, E., Zopounidis C. (2023) Mapping digital servitization strategies for a sustainable, resilient and agile supply chain. Annals of Operations Research (under review) (Scimago list: Q1, ABS list: 3***)
  • Zafeiriou E.,Garefalakis A.,Passas I., Ragazou K. (2023) Illicit and Corruption mitigation strategy in the sector of finance; A study with a hybrid methodological approach. Corruption and Sustainability: A Micro-Level Approach [special issue], 15(2), 1366, Sustainability, https://doi.org/10.3390/su15021366 (Scimago list: Q1)
  • Karagiannopoulou S., Sariannidis N., Ragazou K., Passas I., Garefalakis A. (2023) Corporate Social Responsibility: a business strategy that promotes energy environmental transition and combat volatility in the post-pandemic world. Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Business Growth Based on CSR and ESG Standards in the Post-COVID Era [special issue], 16(3), 1102; Energies, https://doi.org/10.3390/en16031102, (Scimago list: Q1)
  • Karagiannopoulou S., Ragazou K., Passas I., Garefalakis A., Sariannidis N. (2023) The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the volatility of cryptocurrencies. 11(1), 50; International Journal of Financial Studieshttps://doi.org/10.3390/ijfs11010050 (Scimago list: Q2)
  • Papademetriou C., Ragazou K., Garefalakis A., Passas I. (2023) Green Human Resource Management: mapping the research trends for sustainable and agile human resources in SMEs. 15(7), 5636; Sustainabilityhttps://doi.org/10.3390/su15075636 (Scimago list: Q1)

Indicative publications of Book Chapters and Monographs

  • Ragazou K., (2020) Business Strategies for the Food Industry in the context of the economic crisis: the case of Central Greece, PhD thesis, Department of Planning and Regional Development, Volos: University of Thessaly, p.325. https://www.didaktorika.gr/eadd/handle/10442/47991
  • Passas I., Ragazou K. (2022) CG and viable Corporate Debt in Galariotis E., Garefalakis A., Lemonakis C., Menexiadis M., Zopounidis C., (eds) Governance and Financial Performance: Current Trends and Perspectives. World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd, p. 250. https://doi.org/10.1142/12926
  • Ragazou K., Passas I., Garefalakis, A., Zopounidis C., Kourgiantakis M. (2022) Financial analytics and decision-making strategies: future prospects from Bibliometrix based on R package in Alphonse P., Bouaiss, K., Grandin P., Zopounidis C., (eds) Essays on Financial Analytics. Springer
  • Ragazou K., Passas I., Garefalakis, A. (2022) Business Models of the collaborative economy in Routledge Handbook of Collaborative Consumption in Tourism. Routledge by Taylor and Francis Group Publishing
  • Ragazou, K. (2022), Editing in Public Relations Campaigns: An Integrated Approach Second Edition of Luttrell R.M. and Capizzo L.W, Athens, Ed. Propobos
  • Ragazou, K. (2022), Translation and Editing in Principles of Agricultural Economics Third Edition των Barkley Α.και Barkley P.W., Thessaloniki, Tziola
  • Kagias P., Kourgiantakis M., Passas I., Ragazou K., Bakeas S. (2023) CG and Prosperous Investment Decisions – The paradigm of Mergers and Acquisitions in Galariotis E., Garefalakis A., Lemonakis C., Menexiadis M., Zopounidis C., (eds) Governance and Financial Performance: Current Trends and Perspectives. World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd, p. 290. https://doi.org/10.1142/12926
  • Ragazou K., Passas I., Garefalakis, A., Zopounidis C. (2023) ESG in Construction Risk Management: a strategic roadmap for controlling risks and maximizing profits in Petroutsatou K. and Zopounidis C., (eds) Financial Evaluation and Risk Management of Infrastructure Projects. IGI Global (accepted). DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-7786-1

Conferences, Talks, and Speaking Engagements

  • Karkanis, D, Anastasiou, E, Ragazou, K, Duquenne, M-N. (2019) Asylum Flows and European Integration: The socioeconomic challenge, 59th Conference of the European Regional Science Association on “Cities, regions and digital transformations: opportunities, risks and challenges”, 27 – 30 August, Lyon, France.
  • Ragazou, K. (2019) An innovative strategic tool “The Goals Grid”: Breaking the classic methods in businesses?, 59th Conference of the European Regional Science Association on “Cities, regions and digital transformations: opportunities, risks and challenges”, 27 – 30 August, Lyon, France.
  • Ragazou, K. (2020) The food industry as the leader employer of Greek manufacturing sector, ERSA Web Conference on “Spatial challenges for the New World”, 25 – 27 August.
  • Anastasiou E., Ragazou K., Duquenne M-N. (2020) Moving towards Smart Villages in Greece: Exploring the local socio-spatial needs of disadvantaged populations, URP 2020 – The international conference on sustainable and resilient urban-rural partnerships, Leipzig, Germany, 26-27 November.
  • Anastasiou E., Ragazou K., Duquenne M-N. (2021) Spatial Vulnerability and “Marginalized” Populations in Greece. Approach to Identifying Marginalized Rural Areas, 60thERSA Congress: Spatial Challenges for the New World, Bolzano, Italy, 24-27 August 2021.
  • Ragazou K., Anastasiou E., Duquenne M-N. (2021) Challenges of teleworking and spatial trends in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic: the case of Greece, 60thERSA Congress: Spatial Challenges for the New World, Bolzano, Italy, 24-27 August 2021.
  • Ragazou K., Duquenne M-N. (2021) Entrepreneurial intentions of the Greek young in times of crisis, 60thERSA Congress: Spatial Challenges for the New World, Bolzano, Italy, 24-27 August 2021.
  • Ragazou Κ., Passas Ι. (2021) The Contribution of Environmental, Social, Corporate Governance (ESG) to Ensuring Supply Chain Transparency, 11th National Conference of the Scientific Society of Financial Engineering and Banking, Athens, Greece, December 21 – 22, 2021
  • Stavropoulou E., Spinthiropoulos K., Garefalakis A., Sariannidis N., Passas I., Ragazou K. (2021) Banking System and Sustainable Economic Growth: The Case of Greece, 11th National Conference of the Scientific Society of Financial Engineering and Banking, Athens, Greece, December 21 – 22, 2021
  • Passas I., Ragazou K., Garefalakis A., Sklavos G. (2022) A business intelligence model that enables SMEs to make better decisions and enhance their competitive advantage, 12th National Conference of the Scientific Society of Financial Engineering and of Banking, Athens, Greece, December 19 – 20, 2022
  • Tabouratzi E., K., Garefalakis. A., Passas I., Spinthiropoulos K. (2023) Investigating the role of Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance factors on the sustainable financial stability of European financial institutions, 12th International Conference of the Financial Engineering and Banking Society, Chania, Greece, 1 – 4 June, 2023
  • Ragazou K., Papademetriou C., Garefalakis Α., Passas I. (2023) Well-being Human Resource Model in the collaborative economy: The keystone of ESG strategy in the Tourism Sector, 6th International Conference on Tourism Research ICTR 2023, 8 – 9 June 2023, Pafos, Cyprus
  • Papademetriou, C., Ragazou, K., and Garefalakis, A. (2023) “Adapting Artificial Intelligence in Cypriot Hotel Industry: The views of Hotel Managers”, 43rd EBES Conference, Madrid, Spain, April 12-14

Awards and Honors

  • Excellence Scholarship for the Phd Thesis from the State Scholarship Foundation, Greece