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Dimitris Avgerinos has worked as a lecturer at BSBI since March 2022 and he has more than 25 years of experience in education and research. After receiving his degree in mathematics, he worked in the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) (Department of Chemical Engineering) on research programmes, European Twining programmes and scientific works, mainly in the study of environmental protection projects, energy production and projects for the use of renewable energy sources (wind energy, biomass energy production, photovoltaic arcs, etc. .) and in the supervision of construction projects of landfills and landfills rehabilitation.
During the preparation period of the Olympic Games, he worked at ATHENS 2004 as Coordinator of Environmental Operations of Sports Facilities. His activities concerned the operational design of an Integrated Cleaning and Waste Management System at the Olympic Sports Facilities, as well as the control of all environmental parameters.During the period of the Olympic Games, he held the position of Director of Environmental Operations at the Panathinaiko Stadium (Kallimarmaro).
Genetics and biotechnology were added to his research interests after obtaining his master’s degree in systems biology.
He is passionate about philosophy and education considering it to be the alpha and the omega for the healthy development of a person.
- Mathematics
- Economics
- Introduction to law
- Information management
- Business management
- Systems and operations management
Areas of expertise
- Mathematics
- Systems biology
- Environmental engineering
Research interests
His research concerns stochastic models in biological systems (Hidden Markov models). Markov and Hidden Markov models are engineered to handle data which can be represented as ‘sequence’ of observations over time. Hidden Markov models are probabilistic frameworks where the observed data are modelled as a series of outputs generated by one of several (hidden) internal states.
Additional information
As a scientific collaborator of Professor Maria Louizidou in research programs and scientific works (in environmental management and mainly in the management and treatment of solid waste).
- Research for Development of a Plastic Recycling Scheme, Association of Communities and Municipalities of the Attica Region (ACMAR), 1998-1999.Ed. Coordinator: K. Papaspyridi. Scientific Team: Prof. A. Kanarachos, Prof. M. Loizidou. Supervisor: Dr. E. Kapetanios.
- Environmental Impact Assessment for the RDF thermal treatment unit produced from the waste recycling plant in Athens, Greece, Association of Communities and Municipalities of the Attica Region (ACMAR), 1999.
- Development of an Integrated Management Scheme for Municipal and Industrial Solid Waste at a National Level, Greece’, Ministry of Environment, National Planning and Public Works, 1999. Ass. Manager: M. Loizidou.
- In Control of Integrated industrial Pollution and Chemical Substances in Cyprus , 1998-2000, Life-Third Countries, European Commission, Directorate General XI, Ep . Head : M . Loizidou.
- “Creation and development of information and data bank for waste management in Greece”, 1998-2000, GSRT, EPET Program, Supervisor: M. Loizidou.
- Evaluation of the quality and composition of hospital waste΄΄, ANSALDO- ERGOKAT Consortium , 1999, Supervisor: M. Loizidou. Supervisor: Dr. Ef. Kapetanios.
- Environmental Impact Study from the construction of the RDF thermal recovery unit from the waste of the two waste recycling plants, 1999, Association of Communities and Municipalities of the Attica Region (ACMAR), Supervisor: M. Loizidou. Supervisor: Dr. Ef. Kapetanios.
- Preliminary design for the construction of the 2nd mechanical waste recycling plant in the area of Ano Losia, 1999, Association of Communities and Municipalities of the Attica Region (ACMAR), Supervisor: M. Loizidou. Supervisor: Dr. Ef. Kapetanios.
- Preliminary design for the construction of a mechanical waste recycling plant in the area of Mavrorachis, Thessaloniki, Association of Local Authorities of Greater Thessaloniki, Supervisor: M. Loizidou.
- Definition of the National Planning and Preparation of a Framework of Specifications for the management of hazardous waste and used mineral oils, 2000-2002, Ministry of Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works, Supervisor: M. Loizidou.
- Safety Management Systems for Major Accidents Hazards in Small and Medium Enterprises, SMMARTEN, 1999-2001, DGXII, Ep . Responsible: M. Loizidou.
- Development of integrated planning for solid waste management in Cyprus. Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Cyprus. Supervisor: M. Loizidou.
- Strategic management plan and preparation of a framework of technical specifications for solid waste management (hazardous and non-hazardous) in Cyprus, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Cyprus, 2000-2001, Assistant Manager: M. Loizidou.
- Strategic management plan and preparation of a framework of technical specifications for solid waste management (hazardous and non-hazardous) in Cyprus, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Cyprus, 2000-2001, Assistant Manager: M. Loizidou.
- I worked on the implementation of the program ” Implementation and enforcement of the environmental Acqis focussed on domestic waste management “in Bacau , Republic of Romania as an expert representing the NTUA.
- I worked on behalf of NTUA for the program “ Integrated management of liquid industrial waste and sludge in the wider area of Inofyta – Schimatari “ 2009-2010, Ministry of Environment and Climate Change.