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Dr. Maryam Mansuri is a PhD holder in Irrigation and Drainage, her desire to do more research and learn more brought her to participate in the Global MBA master’s program, now she also holds an MA in Global MBA.
Maryam is an accomplished researcher in variety of disciplines, she has always been an active member of various research groups. Other than having a great interest for research she is also passionate about teaching.
She followed her passion and started as a fellow lecturer in a research institute and later she had the opportunity to start teaching Irrigation system, Irrigation system management, mathematic, etc., at different universities.
Other accomplishments of her are consist of 20 published scientific articles in journals. Her track record of academic publishing is composed of a variety of papers concerning Virtual education, Management, and Formulation of Irrigation and Drainage issues.
She has also served as a Rising Star of Global University Systems in 2021.
Her interests of research area social networks, virtual education, management, cross-cultural issues, etc.
Awards, Honors and Other
- Rising Star of Global University Systems in 2021
- First Ranked as PhD grade
- First ranked among Ph.D. education
Compilation Books
1. Soil and Water Instirute, (2019), water document, Iran (In Press).
Professional Positions
1. Soil and water research institute – Iran
2. Ministry of agriculture jahad – Iran
3. Kavir jonoob Yazd Consulting engineering company – Iran
4. Izadkhast water engineering company- Iran
Professional Societies
1. Young Researchers and Elite Club.
2. Iranian National Committee on Irrigation and Drainage.
3. Agriculture and Natural Resources Engineering Organization of Iran.
4. Engineering Disciplinary Organization of National Resource and Agriculture.
5. Iranian Water Resources Association.
6. Iranian National Committee on Farm Water Management.
7. National Water and Wastewater committee of Iran.
Research Projects
1. Co-Principal Investigator “Provide solutions for improving water management on the farm- Ahvaz, Iran”Employer: Soil and Water Institute.
2. Co-Principal Investigator “Updating the national water document, Iran” Employer: Soil and Water Institute.
3. Co-Principal Investigator “Investigating factors affecting drainage reduction – Ahvaz, Iran” Employer: Soil and Water Institute.
4. Co-Principal Investigator “Determination of Evapotranspiration of crop pattern in project of reducing drainage water in Khuzestan, Iran” Employer: Soil and Water Institute.
- Mansuri, M., Kouveliotis, K. (2022), investigating the effect of using social networks in virtual education, Journal NX.8(1):139-150.
- Mansuri, M., Fountis, A., Ghafori, V. (2021), A Statistical Model for Water-Supply Strategies and Drought Mitigation Plans in Agriculture, IOSR JM, 4(2)-225-238.
- Mansuri, M., Fountis, A., Hosseini S.N., Moukherjee, M. (2021), Study of the agro-economic effect of every- other furrow irrigation and different levels of nitrogen application on wheat yield, 7(2)-376-388.
- Mansuri, M., Babazadeh, H., Emdad, M.R., Taleghani, D.(2018), Effect of deficit irrigation management on the qualitative and quantitative yield of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) in Karaj, Iran, 16(1): 455-466.
- Mansuri, M., Babazadeh, H., Emdad, M.R., Taleghani, D.(2018), Temporal variation of Lewis–Kostiakov coefficients equal in different furrow irrigation managements in sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) cultivation in Karaj, Iran, 16(3):2603-2614.
- Fooladmand, H.R., Mansuri, M.(2013), Comparison of two models for estimating the soil particle-size distribution curve based on soil textural data, 59(1): 83-92.
- Soltani, J., Mehrazar, A., Kalanaki, M., Mansuri, M.(2015), Accuracy evaluation of SVR and GA-SVR intelligent models by various loss functions in forecasting daily reference evapotranspiration (case study: Ahvaz, Iran), 3(4):28-46.
- Mansuri, M., FOUNTIS, A., HOSSEINI, S.N., MOUKHERJEE, M. (2021), study of the agro-economic effect of every- other furrow irrigation and different levels of nitrogen application on wheat yield, 7(2): 376-388.
Research Interests
- social networks
- virtual education
- management
- cross-cultural issues
- Irrigation management
- Agriculture management
- Irrigation system
Conferences, Talks, and Speaking Engagements
- Mansuri, M., Khosravi, K., Dayer, E. (2014) Statistical assessment of the probable maximum precipitation (PMP) in Fars province during 24 hours.1th international conference on new ideas in agriculture. 26-27 Jan, 2014, Isfahan, Iran.
- Mansuri, M., Babazadeh, H., Khosravi, K., Dayer, E. (2014) To evaluate the performance of conventional irrigation and alternate variable indices of irrigation.1th international conference on new ideas in agriculture. 26-27 Jan, 2014, Isfahan, Iran.