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Michael is the Careers Service Manager at BSBI. He holds a Master’s degree in European Studies from the University of Poznan, Poland, and currently attends an MBA course at Coventry University, UK. He has a dual citizenship, speaks four languages and has gained professional work experience in three countries. Between 2009 and 2014, Michael served as International Placements Manager at Coventry University in the UK placing over 500 students and graduates with different companies across Europe. He was a founding member of the international unit – International Experience and Mobility Service (now Centre for Global Engagement) — which received the EAIE Institutional Award for Innovation in Internationalization in 2014. He moved to Germany the following year and worked on the HORIZON programme at HTW Berlin’s Faculty of Design and Culture where he was, among others, taking care of international students looking for work placements in Berlin. Following this, he served at uni-assist e.V. as a Universities Coordinator where he negotiated and implemented entry criteria for foreign applicants to German universities. He has six years of teaching experience under his belt, delivering the “Becoming a Global Graduate” course at HTW Berlin between 2016 and 2022, and extensive knowledge in placement generation, recruitment processes, career guidance, intercultural communication and employer liaison.