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Prof. Dr. Kyriakos Kouveliotis hat einen Doktortitel in europäischer Integration und internationalen Beziehungen von der Newcastle University, während er einen M.A. in Diplomatie von der Lancaster University, UK, ein Zertifikat in Linguistik von der Bangor University, UK und einen B.A. in englischer Literatur und Sprachwissenschaft von der Aristoteles-Universität von Thessaloniki, Griechenland, besitzt. Zudem hat er zwei Postdoktorandenzyklen abgeschlossen, einen über Entscheidungsfindung und Politikgestaltung und einen über Konfliktlösung und Krisenmanagement.Professor Kouveliotis hat in verschiedenen Forschungsgruppen gearbeitet, ist ein versierter Forscher in verschiedenen Disziplinen und hat in den letzten 20 Jahren an vielen Universitäten und Bildungsorganisationen weltweit unterrichtet, darunter an der Newcastle University, der University of Sunderland, dem Deree College und der University of Indianapolis, am Hellenic Air Force War College und Hellenic Naval War College, um nur einige zu nennen.Er ist Experte für die Entwicklung neuer Lehrpläne, Lehrpläne und den Aufbau neuer globaler Bildungsnetzwerke und Partnerschaften, wie er es bereits mit Institutionen aus den USA, Großbritannien, Frankreich, Italien, der Schweiz und Irland, aber auch Singapur, Indien und Somalia getan hat.Professor Kouveliotis hat 12 Bücher und Dutzende eigener wissenschaftlicher Artikel veröffentlicht. Seine Erfolgsbilanz im akademischen Verlagswesen besteht aus einer Vielzahl von Artikeln zu politischen, wirtschaftlichen und pädagogischen Themen.Er war auch wissenschaftlicher Berater des Verteidigungsministers, des stellvertretenden Ministers für Entwicklung und Wettbewerbsfähigkeit sowie des Generalsekretariats für Kommunikation und Massenmedien der griechischen Regierung. Er wurde kürzlich vom Bildungsminister zum Mitglied des Verwaltungsausschusses der Hellenic Open University ernannt. Er hat auch verschiedene Professuren in Institutionen auf der ganzen Welt inne, als ehrenamtlicher Rektor des James Lind-Instituts und der Rushford Business School in Genf, Schweiz, als ehrenamtlicher Kanzler des Longford International College in Irland, Professor an der Uninettuno-Universität in Rom, Italien, und als Präsident der Atheneum Liberal Studies.


  • Internationale Beziehungen
  • Europäische Integration
  • Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik
  • Führung
  • Krisenmanagement
  • Gesundheitsmanagement
  • öffentliche Gesundheit
  • E-Learning-Methodik



Bücher:• ‘Olympic Truce’, Kindle Book – Amazon 2011.• ‘European Defence’, LULU ebook 2011.• ‘Small and Light Weapons’, LULU ebook 2011.• ‘Exploring Global perspectives on the United States’, contribution to the Encyclopedia published Berkshire Publishing Group, 2005.• ‘The Foreign Policy of Russia in the New International System’, Paraskinio, Athens, October 2002.• ‘The Europeanisation on Greece’s Foreign and Security Policy’, Paraskinio, Athens, October 2002.• ‘Philosophy of War and Leadership’, Epikoinonies A.E., Athens, January 2002.• ‘Chemical and Biological War’, Troxalia, Athens, October 2001.• ‘Management and Political Science: the Case of Diplomatic Negotiation’, Papazisis, Athens, Sept. 2001.• ‘The Impact of Europeanisation on the Greek Foreign Policy’, Institute of International Economic Relations, Athens, June 2001.• ‘Reader’s Guide to Social Sciences’ (contribution), Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers, London, 2000.• ‘The Common Foreign and Security Policy and Weak States: The Case of Greece’, PhD Thesis, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 1999.

Aufsätze/Artikel:• Paper Publication: “The Influence of Community-Level Built Environment Factors on Active Social Network Size in Older Adults: Social Activity as a Moderator”, International Quarterly of Community Health Education 2020. Vol. 41 (I), SAGE.• Paper Publication: “The association between physical activity and self-reported health in older adults: lessons implied by lifestyle factors”, Adv. geront. 2020. Vol. 33. No 2.• Paper Publication: “Influence of nurse and midwife managerial leadership styles on job satisfaction, intention to stay, and services provision in selected hospitals of Rwanda”, BMC Nursing (2020) Open Access.• Paper Publication “Assessing the maturity of community-level built environments for older adults’ active behaviors: highlights from a psychometric test”, Adv. geront. 2020. Vol. 33. No 1.• Paper Publication “Psychometric Properties of a New Scale Measuring Neglect and Abuse of Older Adults in the Community: Implications for Social Activity”, International Quarterly of Community Health Education 0(0) 1–10.• Paper Publication “Injuries, dislocations, and poor health perceived by older adults to result from vigorous physical activity: implications for active living, health promotion, and gerontology” Adv. geront. 2019. Vol. 32. No 4.• Paper Publication “The association between social capital factors and sedentary behaviour among older adults: does the built environment matter?” Adv. geront. 2019. Vol. 32. No 1–2.• Article Publication “Blended Learning and Maritime Education”, Arab Mariner, Arab Academy of Science, Technology and Maritime Transport, Issue No.3, Summer 2017.• Paper Publication “Blended Degree Development and Operation: The Model of Uninettuno University”, EADTU 2016 Conference Proceedings. • EADTU 2016 Conference Rome, Enhancing European Higher Education:• “Blended Degree Development and Operation: The Model of Uninettuno University”, October 2016.• POSTER: Long –term travellers in Greece: Expectations, perceptions and satisfaction towards public healthcare services, 6th Northern European• Conference on Travel Medicine, London UK 1-4 June 2016.• Kouveliotis, Kyriakos, The Impact of Establishing an Innovative “European• Degree” Model on Teaching and Learning European Studies and International Relations, THE EUROPEAN UNION IN INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS V 11-13 May 2016 Brussels, Belgium.• “Video Journal of Open Education Volume 1” OCWC GLOBAL CONFERENCE, Open Education for a Multicultural World, LJUBLIANA, SLOVENIA, April 23, 2014.• Opening on-line education: The institutional model of a Global Degree, Track: Open Policy, OER: Alternative forms of Assessment and Accreditation, OCWC GLOBAL CONFERENCE, Open Education for a Multicultural World, LJUBLIANA, SLOVENIA, April 23, 2014.• Paper Publication OCWC GLOBAL CONFERENCE Conference Proceedings, LJUBLIANA, SLOVENIA, April 23, 2014.• EADTU 2013 Conference Paris, Opening on-line education: The institutional model of a Global Degree, October 2013.• Paper Publication “Opening on-line education: The institutional model of a Global Degree” EADTU 2013 Conference Proceedings. • The “Global Degree”. A Concise and Innovative Proposal that will Revolutionize Higher Education, TED Conversations 2012.• International Journal of Applied Sciences in Tourism (Volume 01 Issue 01): A Survey into the Relevant Theoretical Approaches Applied in the Study of European Tourism Policy-Making Process.• ‘The Impact of European Integration on the Diplomatic and Strategic Domains of Greece’, London School of Economics, The 2nd Hellenic Observatory PhD Symposium on Modern Greece: “Current Social Science Research on Greece” LSE, June 10, 2005.• ‘The Impact of EU’s Cultural Activities on Establishing a European Identity’ European Political-economy Infrastructure Consortium (EPIC) – London School of Economics (The Ionian Conference 2000).• ‘Foreign Ministries in the European Union’, Book Review, Journal of Common Market Studies, Volume 42, Number 1, March 2004.• ‘The Development of European Defence’, Foreign Issues, July, 2003.• ‘Chemical and Biological Warfare’, Foreign Issues, February 2002.• ‘Strategic Management and Leadership for Defense Decision-Makers’, Occasional Paper, Aberdeen – UK, Scottish Centre for International Security, University of Aberdeen, 2002.• ‘Management and Leadership in the Armed Forces’, Occasional Paper, Aberdeen – UK, Scottish Centre for International Security, University of Aberdeen, 2002.• ‘Natural Resources policy Making’, Naval Review, Autumn 2001.• ‘The Stockholm Legacy’, Journal of the Naval War Academy, Issue 4, March 2001.• ‘The Geopolitical Significance of the Mediterranean Region’, Journal of the Naval War Academy, Issue 6, May 2001.• ‘Crisis Management and Diplomatic Negotiations’, Athina – Review Journal of the School for National Defence, Issue 14, 2001.• ‘The Nature of Foreign Policy – Special Issues and Attitude Frameworks’,Athina – Review Journal of the School for National Defence, Issue 15, 2001.• ‘Globalisation and Foreign Policy’, in Geopolitiki, issue 14 January 2001.• ‘European Defence – Myth or Reality?’ in Geopolitiki, issue 11 October 2000.• ‘Globalisation and Foreign Policy’, Agora xoris Sinora / Market without Frontiers, Institute of International Economic Relations, 1999.• ‘The Europeanisation Process in External Relations and Security’, Europeanisation Project, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 1999.• ‘Greece in the Balkans: Diplomacy and Strategy’, in Oikonomiki kai Thrakiki Epitheorisi, Spring 1998.• ‘EU Policies and Perspectives’, MA Dissertation Project, University of Lancaster, Department of Politics and International Relations, September 1995.• ‘Semiotics in Modern Societies’, Published in EUROCOSMOS magazine, Issue 5, April 1994.• Thoughts for Europe’, Published in EUROCOSMOS magazine, issue 3, May 1993.

Auszeichnungen und Ehrungen

  • Who’s Who Nominierung für die Historical Society.
  • Bester Professor am American College of Greece – Deree College (akademische Jahre: 2001-2002 und 2002-2003.
  • Stipendium der Staatlichen Stipendienstiftung (IKY) zur Durchführung von Postdoktorandenforschungen, 2001.
  • Stipendium des “Sir Richard Stapley Educational Trust” UK, 1997.


  • Innovation in den Bereichen Bildung
  • E-Learning
  • virtuelles Lernen
  • Europäische Politik
  • Strategien