BSBI Chief Academic Officer Speaks at Global Event

This week, Berlin School of Business and Innovation’s Professor Kyriakos Kouveliotis, Provost and Chief Academic Officer at the school, was a keynote speaker at a global event organised by IIHMR University, an institution that specialises in management research, postgraduate education and training in the health sector.

The event was titled: ‘An International Dialogue on Collaborative Academic Action for Good Health and Wellbeing’. Professor Kouveliotis had the opportunity to speak alongside a number of other esteemed speakers including Mr Ramu Damodaran, Head of United Nations for Academic Impact, and Dr Prahlad Rai Sodani, President of IIHMR University, India.

This was a great opportunity for BSBI to get involved in an event that has a global reach, enabling the school to boost its profile and to attract an international audience.

Well done to Professor Kouveliotis on this achievement.

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